Laudato Si’ Week 16-24 May 2020

Laudato Si’ Week: 16-24 May 2020

Early in 2020 Pope Francis called for a week-long celebration and call to action for the fifth anniversary of his encyclical Laudato  Si’  on care for our common home. The theme for Laudato Si’ Week 2020 is “Everything is Connected”. The theme is taken from the encyclical itself which states:

“When we fail to acknowledge as part of reality the worth of a poor person, a human embryo, a person with disabilities – to offer just a few examples – it becomes difficult to hear the cry of nature itself; everything is connected.” (Laudato Si’, 117)

In his video message Pope Francis asked “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up?”

Due to the global situation concerning the corona virus the plans for the week had to change considerably. However, there are still a number of different ways you can respond to Pope Francis’ call to “hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” (Laudato Si’,  49)

The links below will take you to a number of online events which you can participate in and resources to take action.

Catholic EarthCare Australia:

The Global Catholic Climate Movement:

Follow this link  to the website of the Office for Social Justice for a presentation to help you pray for the grace to care for our common home. Under the settings you will find speaker’s notes with process suggestions for using the presentation in group prayer.