Getting Involved and Further Information

Please note we do not necessarily endorse the contents of all resources from outside the Catholic Church and provide them for your information only.

Informative Resources

The UN Sustainable Development Goals:

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Sixth Assessment Report:

NASA, Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

Australia State of the Environment Report 2016:

ABC’s The War on Waste:

Watch “The True Cost” – A movie about the environmental and labour consequences about the fast fashion industry:

Watch the documentaries An Inconvenient Truth and An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

Catholic Resources

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Social Justice Statement 2021-22, Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor.

The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council’s Social Justice Statement for 2002: A New Earth: The Environmental Challenge:

The Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference Position Paper on Climate Change:

Pontifical Academy of the Sciences, “Our Planet, Our Health, Our Responsibility

Pontifical Academy of the Sciences, “Science and Actions for Species Protection: Noah’s Arks for the 21st Century”.

The Holy Father’s intervention at the meeting “Climate Change and New Evidence from Science, Engineering and Policy” (Casina Pio IV, 27 May 2019), 27.05.2019:

Presentation by Bishop Christopher Toohey:

Australian Catholic Religious Response to Climate Change:


Global: St Kateri Centre


Charles Rue Let the Sun Shine: An Australian Catholic Response to Climate Change:

Catholic Climate Covenant:

Catholic Ecology Blog:

Catholic Relief Services: A Catholic Response to Global Warming

The Global Catholic Climate Change Movement:

Take Action: What can you do?

Simple actions you can take:

Take the St. Francis Pledge:

Implement some of the ideas from this blog:

Take on board some of the ideas found here:

The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World:

Get active by advocating with your Local, State and Federal Representatives to take action to preserve the environment and protect the poor.

All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.  – Laudato Si’ 14

Last Updated August 2021