Catholics supporting refugees at the Canberra Convergence

Last Tuesday the team from the Justice and Peace Office joined with hundreds – or perhaps even a thousand – asylum seekers, refugees and people from across Australia on the front lawn of Parliament House in Canberra to demand the Labor government act with urgency to fulfill its election promise; to give those folks on temporary protection visas, permanent protection visas and to allow Medevac refugees and the 10,000 rejected under Fast Track processing to stay.

It was a day of bright sunshine and real hope. We met with friends and allies from the Refugee Council, Rural Australians for Refugees and of course the mighty St Vinnies contingent.

It was also gratifying to see David Pocock, Mehreen Faruqi and a handful of other politicians come down and stand in solidarity with people still seeking permanent protection.

It was and continues to be so disappointing to see the Labor government fast track almost all the election promises, except this one. We live in hope and understand that together we will make this happen.