A Shared Shame

Two days ago a national report into violence against Australians with disability was tabled. Our country should be utterly ashamed and heartbroken at the despicable, unfair and cruel treatment of our mothers, fathers, friends, spouses, brothers, sisters, children, fellow human beings.

There are stories of violent rapes, beatings, ridicule and deaths due to neglect.  These crimes too often go unreported or those that do get reported are often dismissed because the victim is seen as being an ‘unreliable witness’ due to having a disability.

The report makes clear that ours is a culture that simply does not value people with disability. We deny their dignity. We refuse their humanity. We do not treat them as the children of God that they are, just like all of us. We must change this culture, and meet people with disabilities in the shared human vulnerability that each and everyone of us shares. God met us in our human frailty with Jesus. He turned our brokeness into our redemption. As followers of Jesus how can we turn our hearts away from that most powerful, most loving and life giving message of the Cross?

Please take a moment to read some of the personal stories, and then ask yourself what you should do to bring the light and dignity of God to this situation.

We cannot turn away, we are all vulnerable, we are all responsible

Collection of some of the over 160 submissions:  https://justiceandpeace.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Submissions-CDA-Nov-2015-Senate-Report.pdf

Full report and all submissions: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Community_Affairs/Violence_abuse_neglect/Report