Clean-Up Australia Day

March 5, 2017

Clean-Up Australia Day: Sunday, March 5, 2017. 




Because when the rubbish is gone, nature can carry on ….

“Australia has one of the best natural landscapes in the world.  From our pristine beaches, ancient forests and flourishing sealife, we have some of the most unique flora and fauna.  But the rubbish we create through mass consumption is choking our streets, beaches, parks, bushland and waterways.   And along the way it’s killing one of our best assets : nature.  We are all part of the problem – but YOU can also be part of the solution” (From the Clean-Up Australia Day website).

If you decide to be part of the solution, then the New Year is a great time to get involved.  One of the ways you can do this is to help your Parish to get organised for Clean-Up Australia Day.

To learn more about the day, please visit

You or your parish can participate by joining an existing clean-up site or create a new one.

There are lots of resources to help you prepare for the day, which you can find at the Clean-Up Australia Day Resource Centre.