Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney signs on to open Letter to PM to ask that No One be Left Behind

Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney signs on to open Letter to PM to ask that No One be Left Behind

The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney is one of over 186 organisations who have written to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison to urgently address the gaps in the current COVID-19 responses and ensure that nobody is left behind, particularly people seeking asylum, refugees and other vulnerable groups

The Refugee Council of Australia who led the campaign has welcomed the Australian Government’s recognition of the needs within Australia and its action to minimise the health and economic impacts of the global pandemic. However, the Refugee Council of Australia has also recognised the need to ensure that all people in Australia are considered in COVID-19 policies and stimulus packages, especially the most vulnerable who currently are not able to access basic levels of support. Currently, there are highly vulnerable groups who have been left behind, including eople seeking asylum on bridging visas and temporary visa holders including refugees, temporary migrant workers and international students.

You can read the full letter and list of signatories on the Refugee Council of Australia website here.

This letter comes after an open letter to the Prime Minister by nearly 50 Catholic leaders also calling for a vital safety net to be extended to temporary visa holders, people seeking asylum and refugees which you can read about here.